Maintaining a bank account has seen as one of the most fundamental indicators of financial stability. It demonstrates that a person has authority over their funds and gives them access to additional financial products. In some respects, a bank account is a key to unlocking the entire world of money.
It is a world that many people cannot enter since it is tough to get on the first rung of the financial ladder by opening a bank account. If you have denied a bank account, there are still choices available to you that do not require you to keep your money in a shoebox beneath your bed.
You’ve experienced trouble creating a current account with a bank or building society. Hence, before you’re looking for an ATM placement service, here are some actions you may take.
Examine Your Credit Report
You’ve turned down a bank account due to bad credit history. So, you should double-check your credit report. A credit agency must provide you with a free copy of your credit report. This will supply you with information on any previous borrowings you have made as well as any missing payments.
Prepaid Cards
When you cannot create a bank account, you may still obtain a debit card by researching the many prepaid card possibilities. This prepaid debit card functions similarly to a regular debit card in that it contains a card number, an expiry date, and a CVC number on the reverse.
On the other hand, its prepaid card does not require a bank account. It means there is no credit involved, making it an excellent choice. To use the card, you must first load monies onto it. And you may only spend the funds on the card at any one moment. This is for someone unable to create a bank account owing to credit issues.
Banking Alternatives with Us
We are far more than a prepaid card. We provide account users with a current account with a slew of banking capabilities. These include the ability to make money transfers, manage direct debits, set up standing orders, and more. You can also get the placement service from the ATM Placement Company.
What to Do When a New Phone Arrives
This has determined whether you are utilizing your old or existing phone number. Or, this is if you have a new one. If your phone number is the same, download our banking app from your app store and log in as usual.
In this, your login and password will stay the same. If you forget your password, you may reset it by choosing the “lost password” option.
The Bottom Line
When you get a new phone number, you must change your contact information before logging in. You may do this by calling us or by logging into your online banking account. You seldom use your mobile banking app.
Hence, it’s always a good idea to keep your information up to date to avoid misunderstanding. Or identity concerns if you ever need assistance with your account. If you’re not sure what to do, give us a call, and we’ll do our best to fix any concerns.