It’s late Friday night, and you’re heading back to your car after a great night out downtown with your friends. You notice a shadow across the wall and hear footsteps as you turn the corner down an unlit side lane. You quicken the pace, but the rhythm of the other footsteps also quickens.
You’re looking around in the dark, trying to understand what’s happening. You’re knocked to the ground by the sucker punch, and you can feel your wallet being snatched from your back pocket. Your attacker has vanished back into the shadows before you have a chance to respond.
In these situations, you could have been benefitted from the best tactical LED flashlight for the money.
The Most Underappreciated Personal Defense Tool
A tactical flashlight performs two essential self-defense purposes, as well as one additional goal.
#1 Aids in the detection of threats
Attackers take advantage of the cloak of darkness. In low-light situations, a bright spotlight may help identify threats and minimize the benefit of an intruder stalking in the dark. Only throwing light on a bad guy could be enough to make him flee.
#2 Disorients attackers for a brief period
When it’s dark outside, have you ever seen a bright light glow in your eyes? You were actually disoriented and maybe blinded for a while. You will use your usual response to bright light to protect yourself from potential attackers.
Bonus Use: Improvisation
A serrated or toothed bezel is used on certain military flashlights. These specialty bezels are marketed as weapons that can be used to shatter vehicle windows in an emergency. However, opening a window with a small tactical light is more complicated than it seems.
A tactical flashlight’s bezel won’t crack the glass. Still, it can be used as an improvised attacking weapon during an assault. Once you’ve disoriented your attacker by shining the torch in his eyes, slam the toothed bezel into his face as hard as you can. It should feel like you’re stamping him with a huge rubber stamp.
Which Flashlight Is the Best?
You want something that you can have in your pocket all day. The size of your flashlight should be no larger than your hand.
Light Output
A spotlight must be bright enough to cause offenders to become disoriented before it can be used as a self-defense weapon. Anything less than 120 lumens isn’t going to cut it.
You don’t want a flashlight that’s so complicated that you can’t use the most essential function (bright light) when you need it. A basic on/off switch should suffice.
You need a torch that can be used in any case. Get a portable flashlight that can operate in the rain or other damp weather alike all-weather sleeping bag.
Tough Build
Find a flashlight that can take a lot of use because your flashlight can be used a lot. Choose one that is made of heavy anodized aluminum. Make sure the flashlight’s metal makes it easier to handle. You don’t want to lose your light when it’s really needed.
LEDs or Incandescent Bulbs?
I prefer LEDs. Because incandescent bulbs crack when dropped. Besides, incandescent lamps waste a lot of energy. You’ll go through light bulbs and lantern batteries quicker than LED bulbs.