As you’re a mom, you should tell your midwives to check on your baby’s poop. It’ll help them to realize more about its health. It may sound a bit silly. But, you should start checking your baby’s diaper each time s/he poops.
It needs to do from every day to months together. Besides, your husband may think that we were paranoid and obsess with poop. As your baby was born three years ago, now you know lots more about the poop of the baby.
Thus, you’ll understand the way to assess your baby’s health. But what’s for others? Let’s share your knowledge with others. So, before you look for the best baby products list, let’s know the ways to decode your baby’s poop.
Decoding Your Baby’s Poop
In short, we’re going to help new parents when it comes to decoding the poop of their babies. Also, it’ll help them understand how their babies are feeling those days. So, check these tips carefully:
Baby Poop or Meconium
The stool/poop of the baby is also familiar with meconium is normally dark to look at. Also, it appears greenish-black, which is normal. If it’s darker in color, it happens due to Bilirubin’s presence. And it makes the poop yellowish-green because of red blood cells. If the consistency is very loose, it’s absolutely normal.
What to do: This meconium lasts for 3 days as its temporary. It may happen after the birth of the baby that changes within a few days. So, you don’t need to do anything as treatment.
Bright Yellow & Seedy
If your baby gets breastfeed, it may discharge yellow, loose, seedy poop with a moderate smell. This can be looking like diarrhea. But this is absolutely normal. Indeed, it happens for almost all breastfeeding babies.
What to do: You need nothing to do. Also, you can continue breastfeeding the baby with nothing worry.
Dark and Thick
In contrast with breastfed infants, formula-fed babies usually get a darker poop. It has a dense, brown consistency.
What to do: Nothing is to be concerned about. You will resume your baby’s regular eating. You may adjust the quality of the poop of your baby if you turn to a new diet, but it should regularize after a couple of days.
Greenish Brown Color
The poop of your baby will shift to a greenish-brown as you add solids. You can even do that if your kid is supplemented with iron. That’s very natural.
What to do? This stool is usually regarded. If you have any other signs such as frost, fever, or extreme irritability in your infant, you may see your doctor.
Warning Signs of Baby Poop: When You Need To See a Doctor
By what’s in your diaper, you can say a ton about the wellbeing of your kid. A variation in texture, color, and odor will be your baby poop. However, the symptoms below need guidance from the doctor. Your baby may have brownish, loose stools frequently, and this is no excuse to panic.
Maintain an eye for the slide of your kid. If loose stools remain for two or more days and are combined with other symptoms – child distress, food resistance, fever, unrest, and so on – diarrhea can occur. Infection may be signaled by diarrhea, which can induce dehydration. If runny stool stays more than two days, contact the baby’s doctor.
Take proper care of your baby. You should be conscious of the baby’s health. You can look for a baby products list if you need it. There you can get all the things you needed. For example, you can get top-rated baby bathtubs or portable baby high chair booster seat for anything you needed. Everything you can find in the baby products list.